
题 目 报告人 报告人单位 时间 邀请人
Digital Microfluidic Hardware/Software Co-Design and Cyberphysical System Integration Prof. Tsung-Yi Ho National Cheng Kung University 2013-05-22 Guangyu Sun
Make a Chip that "Smells" - Towards an Electronic Nose System-on-Chip Prof. Kea-Tiong (Samuel) Tang National Tsing Hua University 2013-05-21 Guangyu Sun
Logic Optimization Using Logic Implication and its application to Verification Prof. Chun-Yao Wang National Tsing Hua University 2013-05-20 Guangyu Sun
Next Generation Architecture and CAD System for FPGAs Prof. Jonathan Rose University of Toronto 2013-03-15 Jason Cong
Extreme Scale Computer Architecture: Energy Efficiency from the Ground Up Prof. Josep Torrellas University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2012-12-13 Jason Cong
Towards Making Vulnerable Processors More Dependable Prof. Sri Parameswaran University of New South Wales 2012-09-14 Eric Yun Liang
Embedded Information Processing for Self-Powered Cyber-Physical Systems Prof. Lei Wang University of Connecticut 2012-05-31 Jason Cong
Progress in the Diagnostic Techniques for Sleep Apnea Prof. Thomas Penzel Sleep Medicine Center, Charite University Hospital Germany 2012-05-29 Tao Wang
Architecting Computer Systems for the Die-Stacking Future Dr. Gabriel Loh AMD 2012-04-26 Yuan Xie
Addressing the General Purpose Processor Dilemma with Reconfigurable Logic Computing Dr. Joel Emer Intel 2011-12-15 Tao Wang
Year 2020: Green and Symbiosis Towards Post Ubiquitous Information System Prof. Norio Shiratori Tohoku University 2011-10-26 Dean Hong Mei
Integrated Research Methodology of Parallel Computing 陈国良院士 中国科技大学和深圳大学 2010-12-14 Dean Hong Mei
加强计算机系统研究的一些考虑 李国杰院士 中国科学院计算技术研究所 2010-12-14 Dean Hong Mei
从计算的有效性看高端计算的发展 陈左宁院士 国家并行计算机工程技术研究中心 2010-12-14 Dean Hong Mei
Reconfigurable Computing Research at Imperial College London Prof. Wayne Luk Imperial College London 2010-12-10 Jason Cong
FPGA Platforms Leading the Way in the Application of 'More than Moore's' Technology Dr. Ivo Bolsens Xilinx 2010-12-09 Jason Cong
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